Celebrating a Milestone: £1000 Donated to Support Palestine

We are thrilled to announce a significant milestone in our heartfelt campaign, "Profit for Palestine." Thanks to your unwavering support and dedication, we have successfully donated £1000 to aid and empower the Palestinian people. This achievement is not just a number; it represents hope, solidarity, and the collective power of community engagement towards making a tangible difference.

A Moment of Thanks

First and foremost, we extend our deepest thanks to each one of you who have contributed to this cause. Whether you are a coffee lover who switched to our brand, a business that partnered with us, or an individual who spread the word – your efforts have been instrumental in reaching this milestone. Your support underscores the importance of standing together for humanity and justice.

The Journey So Far

Our "Profit for Palestine" initiative began with a simple yet profound commitment: to allocate a portion of our profits towards humanitarian aid in Palestine. Inspired by the rich coffee culture shared between the UK and Palestine, we embarked on this journey to foster a bridge of support and solidarity. Each bag of coffee sold not only offered a taste of great coffee, but also became a beacon of charity for many.

Why Continued Support is Essential

Despite this achievement, the journey does not end here. The situation in Palestine continues to be dire, with countless families facing challenges such as poverty, limited access to healthcare, and disparities. The ongoing conflict has exacerbated these issues, making international support more crucial than ever.

We believe in the power of sustained assistance and the difference it can make in the lives of the Palestinian people. Therefore, we urge you to continue supporting our campaign. Your ongoing contributions can help provide essential services, support local economies, and rebuild lives affected by the conflict.

How You Can Help

  1. Purchase with Purpose: Continue to support our "Profit for Palestine" products. Each purchase we donate the profits to Map - Medical aid for Palestinians (Charity number  3038352)
  2. Spread the Word: Share our campaign with your friends/family and on social media. Awareness is the first step towards creating change.
  3. Direct Donations: Consider making direct donations to credible organisations committed to providing aid in Palestine.
  4. Educate and Advocate: Inform yourself and others about the situation in Palestine. Knowledge is power, and advocacy can lead to action.

Looking Ahead

As we celebrate this milestone, let us also renew our commitment to the cause. Together, we can continue to make a difference in the lives of the Palestinian people. We pledge to maintain transparency about how your contributions are making an impact and to continue our efforts with the same passion and dedication.

Thank you once again for your support, solidarity, and belief in our mission. Let's keep the momentum going and continue to stand together for peace, justice, and humanity.

With heartfelt thanks,
Snakebite Coffee Co